Hello, I’m Allison & I like helping people launch their inner genius!

Transformational Leader, Storyteller & Business Coach

Did you know that each and every one of us has this amazing inner genius just waiting to be unleashed? Allison is super passionate about this idea! She's spent over two decades diving into what makes high achievers tick, learning from the best leaders out there, and helping people like you tap into their inner genius. She helps unleash transformational change by working together, guiding you to map out a new and exciting path forward. It's pretty awesome stuff!

Allison Michels is a cognitive business coach, an expert in human performance, a leadership keynote speaker, 5x best-selling author, and an award-winning entrepreneur who Fortune 100 companies have hired like Coca-Cola, UMR- UnitedHealth Care, Accuray, Thrivent, Maxwell Leadership, Genus PLC, and many more..

For the past fifteen years, she has been LAUNCHing companies and working with clients across the globe to improve clarity, and motivation, and get results using brain science and practical steps. She aims to help you LAUNCH in your life and is committed to helping you achieve more than you thought possible. She loves doing impossible things with amazing people to change the world.

let me tell you about

My Experience

Allison Michels is a Mom of 2 awesome kids, the Founder + CEO of the business leadership company LAUNCH.  She is one of the most recognized entrepreneur speakers and coaches in the world, having built a speaking, coaching + consulting enterprise that has won multiple awards including the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Business Scholar, Stellar Business Leadership Development Award, and I Spark Change Humanitarian Hero Global Docu-Series. Allison has the pleasure of keynote speaking in over 100+ countries with thousands of business leaders globally. She is passionate about helping people reach their goals, feel empowered, and build profitable businesses.The company was founded under the idea of giving back and works daily to help improve the life of one person.

Allison has had the pleasure of being hired by some of the largest companies on the planet including United Healthcare, Great Lakes Coca-Cola, Thivent, EJ, Genus PLC, Accuray, Greenheck, Footlocker, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Maxwell Leadership, and Women's Entrepreneurship Day- Madison.


  • Selected for Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Business Entrepreneurial Certification through Babson College

  • Built LAUNCH an exclusive award-winning global brand with empowering business leadership content & trainings 100 countries

  • LAUNCH with Allison Michels Podcast includes interviews with high achievers: Olympic Gold medalists, Harvard, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Maxwell Leadership, Amazon, FranklinCovey, Microsoft, Amazon and many more!

  • Built premier marketing consulting firm to 7-8 figure companies

  • Maxwell Leadership Certified Speaker, Trainer, Coach

  • Transformational Leadership Coach, Paraguay Government

  • Developed Transformational Leadership Content for Maxwell Leadership to Train/Develop Leaders in Country Transformational Leadership

  • Cognitive Coach Certification

  • Athena Young Professional Leadership Award

  • Adaptive School Certification for Collaboration on Teams

  • BS Scientific & Technical Communications with a Concentration in Engineering from Michigan Technological University

LAUNCH with Allison Michels Podcast is on iTunes, Spotify, and Google Podcasts. Allison’s coaching and mentorship has been featured in ABC, USA Today, Women 2.0, and many other major media outlets.

Allison is available for coaching, speaking, and consulting.

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keep going

Why LAUNCH started?

In March 2016 Allison Liddle met Clifton Maclin, Jr. who became a transformational mentor in her life. Unfortunately, in February 2019 he passed away. As a tribute to his profound impact on Allison’s life she decided to design a LAUNCH Leadership Conference in his honor. With no money, no speakers, no real plan, Allison founded the first LAUNCH Leadership Conference in April 2019. It worked and over 170 people attended it to LAUNCH in their lives personally + professionally . Since that first conference LAUNCH has expanded exponentially across the globe. Allison believes it is because Clif is helping from up above as our very own LAUNCH angel and we’re just getting started! Love ya, Cliffy.  

LAUNCH started in 2017 after Allison Liddle wrote her first book, "Life Under Construction: Designing a Life You Love." The business was built originally to be a keynote speaking, leadership development, coaching and content creation business. Over the past five years the business has grown from one book to four. One speaking engagement to speaking to thousands of leaders in 100+ countries, a LAUNCH Leadership Conference that has trained over 800 leaders, and a global LAUNCH with Allison Liddle podcast. Allison Liddle has had the pleasure of being hired by some of the largest companies on the planet including UnitedHealthcare, Great Lakes Coca-Cola, EJ, Genus PLC, Greenheck, Footlocker, University of Wisconsin Madison, and Women's Entrepreneurship Day- Madison. Currently the business services are focused on keynote speaking and training in person, with the pandemic this has shifted dramatically. 

Don’t just hear it from me...

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